Experts-Conference at the University of Freiburg: Cross-border claim enforcement in the European Union

On 10 and 11 October 2019, a conference on developments in cross-border debt enforcement was held at the University of Freiburg.

Attorney Dr. Idelmann from the Düsseldorf law firm DR. IDELMANN & ASSOCIATES participated in this conference.

The EU legislator is constantly active in order to make cross-border claim enforcement within the EU states more efficient.
This is done by enacting EU regulations which are directly applicable in the EU member states.

Examples for the enactment of such regulations are the EuVTVO, EuMahnVO, EuGFVO and EuKpfVO, which aim to make law enforcement between the EU member states faster and more efficient.

The creation of an European legal area that is as homogeneous and effective across borders as possible should in principle be viewed positively.

Companies operating in the European Union as a single economic area depend on the efficient application and enforcement of the law.

This is a prerequisite for the efficient exchange of goods and services within the European Union across national borders for the benefit of all.