Aktion Friedensdorf e.V. – meaningful help for children in need that really arrives on the spot

Attorney Dr. Idelmann supports the non-profit association Aktion Friedensdorf – Kinder in Not e.V., Mönchengladbach, www.aktion-friedensdorf-mg.de.

The non-profit association Aktion Friedensdorf – Kinder in Not e.V. supports a large number of small projects in rural regions in Latin America and Western Africa. It is about aimed help for self-help on the spot for projects with concrete contact persons known personally to the association.

Thus for example the development and maintenance of schools is promoted in regions, in which the majority of the children would be excluded otherwise from school attendance. School books are purchased, teachers are paid, school meals are provided, or a bus service is set up so that children can actually participate in lessons.

In addition, small projects such as the construction of drinking water wells or the establishment and maintenance of local medical centres are financially supported and actively accompanied. In doing so, care is taken to ensure the ongoing operation of these infrastructure aids on site, e.g. by ensuring that technical equipment can also be maintained on site and thus kept ‚running‘.

You can also support the association Aktion Friedensdorf – Kinder in Not e.V. based in Mönchengladbach by donations and/or active membership.

More information about Aktion Friedensdorf – Kinder in Not e.V.